Besøk i smia til Benjamin og Monica
En fotoutflukt med venner fikk innlagt en ekstra bonus da vi fikk komme inn og fotografere to smeder i arbeid.
En fotoutflukt med venner fikk innlagt en ekstra bonus da vi fikk komme inn og fotografere to smeder i arbeid.
Along with two friends I had a refreshing two-meters-apart – most of the time even more – photowalk this evening. It was blue as far as the eye could see.
No snow in southern Norway so far this winter, I am quite happy with that.
Luckily no snow yet around here, but a little frost is just swell for photography purposes.
I spent the last day of summer vacation on a Kaldvell photowalk with my friend Line, all equipped with my brand new Edge 50 and the older brother Edge 80.
Sakura season in Japan is definitely on my bucket list. Until then, I will have to do with our town’s lone cherry tree.
May means lots of official holidays, which calls for impromptu photowalks when the weather allows. And boy did it allow on Ascension Day..!
Winter’s waning, and my friend Line and I decided to go ice art hunting at nearby waterfall Stampefoss.
A beautiful fall evening at the Spornes boulder beach.
At the nearby lake Assev lies a hidden world!
From a visit to Himmelbjerget, long claimed to be Denmark’s tallest «mountain».
Outside the southernmost city of Norway, secluded under steep mountain sides, lies a beautiful natural park area called Ravnedalen – the valley of ravens, translated.
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