Anemones galore
Wood anemones are a plenty this spring! And huge, at that. I don’t mind, at all.
Wood anemones are a plenty this spring! And huge, at that. I don’t mind, at all.
I keep returning to the cemetery, this time for two special kinds of wood anemones – double-flowered and yellow.
There are still some toads left in the pond, and today I brought my oldest son to have a look. Again, the spring buds and wood anemones stole my attention.
We were supposed to meet for land art fun today, but because of the self-isolation situation it was cancelled. Instead, I made this triptych in my garden.
Just what you long for at the end of a long winter; another snowfall..! Hopefully it will all be gone in the morning.
An early spring evening photowalk at a nearby park and horticulture museum.
At the nearby lake Assev lies a hidden world!
Mer urbex! Dette huset var dessverre så vandalisert at jeg bestemte meg for å konsentrere meg kun om detaljer — som fantastiske rustne vindushasper.
Returning to the cemetery to look for flowers, more specifically the yellow anemones and their friends, the filled wood anemones.
The yellow Anemone ranunculoides are special for an area near where I live. I brought my Lensbaby macro converters to photograph them.
When the trees are blooming, spring is definitely around the corner!
Some spring flowers have a greater appeal than others, and Hepatica nobilis is definitely among those.
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