Anemones galore

Anemones galore

Wood anemones are a plenty this spring! And huge, at that. I don’t mind, at all.

Spring buds and more anemones

Spring buds and more anemones

There are still some toads left in the pond, and today I brought my oldest son to have a look. Again, the spring buds and wood anemones stole my attention.

Just a tiny triptych

Just a tiny triptych

We were supposed to meet for land art fun today, but because of the self-isolation situation it was cancelled. Instead, I made this triptych in my garden.

Rustne vindushasper

Rustne vindushasper

Mer urbex! Dette huset var dessverre så vandalisert at jeg bestemte meg for å konsentrere meg kun om detaljer — som fantastiske rustne vindushasper.

Cemetery flowers — drab?

Cemetery flowers — drab?

Returning to the cemetery to look for flowers, more specifically the yellow anemones and their friends, the filled wood anemones.

Hepatica nobilis

Hepatica nobilis

Some spring flowers have a greater appeal than others, and Hepatica nobilis is definitely among those.