Anemones galore

Anemones galore

Wood anemones are a plenty this spring! And huge, at that. I don’t mind, at all.

Spring buds and more anemones

Spring buds and more anemones

There are still some toads left in the pond, and today I brought my oldest son to have a look. Again, the spring buds and wood anemones stole my attention.

Toad pond and wood anemones

Toad pond and wood anemones

Another two-meters-apart photowalk today, to check on a toad pond. We were a bit late to the party – not too late for the wood anemones, though!

Spring spring spring!

Spring spring spring!

Ahhhh, even my allergies can’t stop me from thoroughly enjoying spring after the hardest winter in ages.

Cemetery flowers — drab?

Cemetery flowers — drab?

Returning to the cemetery to look for flowers, more specifically the yellow anemones and their friends, the filled wood anemones.