Crisp air and pastel colours
Is there anything to match the northern hemisphere pastel coloured spring evenings?
Is there anything to match the northern hemisphere pastel coloured spring evenings?
I keep returning to the cemetery, this time for two special kinds of wood anemones – double-flowered and yellow.
There are still some toads left in the pond, and today I brought my oldest son to have a look. Again, the spring buds and wood anemones stole my attention.
Along with two friends I had a refreshing two-meters-apart – most of the time even more – photowalk this evening. It was blue as far as the eye could see.
Wood anemone, or anemone nemorosa, is perhaps the most common spring flower in Norway.
I got a new camera today, a Nikon D500 which I hope will be my new best friend when it comes to concert photography – it’s a beast when it comes to churning high ISO numbers.
Ahhhh, even my allergies can’t stop me from thoroughly enjoying spring after the hardest winter in ages.
Just what you long for at the end of a long winter; another snowfall..! Hopefully it will all be gone in the morning.
Yesterday I revisited my favourite spot for Hepatica Nobilis, and there were so many! I spent a lovely couple of hours making art with the Velvet 56 lens.
In with the new, out with the old – spring is the best season! Loving the intriguing contrast between withered leaves and fresh spring buds.
Oh spring, how I long for thee. Another seaside walk, still equipped with that V56, only one kid tagged along this time.
Sakura season in Japan is definitely on my bucket list. Until then, I will have to do with our town’s lone cherry tree.
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